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Lina Asmar, PhD, came to Houston, TX from Beirut, Lebanon. She worked for over 38 years in oncology clinical trials while enjoying art as a pastime.


As self-trained artist and without attending an art school, Lina explored acrylic painting where she developed an abstract style leaning towards a plethora of bright colors. She continues to explore her style as her work continues to evolve.


From 1993 to 2001, under the tutoring of the Russian Master Painter Efim Frumin, Lina learned oil painting using the techniques of the Great Masters of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods such as Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Fragonard, and others. Her oil paintings, portraits, landscapes, and still life, are very detailed and precise. With Efim and a group of painters, Lina had several exhibits where she sold many of her oil paintings.


In addition to paintings, in 2003 Lina picked up pyrography; the art of decorating wood by burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point. She designed portraits, landscapes, still life, and animals such as horses, bucks, and birds. The precision with her work makes her art very unique. 

About Lina

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